If you have any questions about your registration/payment status or would like to request a certificate of participation, please email meetingplanning@stanford.edu.
Registration deadlines for presenting participants and current Stanford affiliates are as follows:
Early Registration Deadline: Midnight PST on March 1, 2018
Registration fees: $30 for Keynote 2 (Nils Muižnieks) and Opening Reception.
All other events and the academic program of the conference are free of charge.
Late Registration Deadline: Midnight PST on May 1, 2018
Registration fees: $50 for Keynote 2 (Nils Muižnieks) and Opening Reception.
All other events and the academic program of the conference are free of charge.
Registration deadlines for the general audience (all non-presenting, non-Stanford affiliated attendees) are as follows:
Early Registration Deadline: Midnight PST on May 1, 2018
Registration fees: $25 for keynotes, $50 for evening events.
The academic program of the conference is free of charge.
Late Registration Deadline: Midnight PST on May 15, 2018
Registration fees: $30 for keynotes, $75 for evening events.
The academic program of the conference is free of charge.
All non-Stanford presenters must become members of the Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies prior to the conference, i.e. by June 1, 2018. Members of the general audience and Stanford affiliates are encouraged but not required to register for AABS membership. Registration is available through the AABS website.